Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thank You, Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Thanksgiving, for me, is just one of those holidays that usually come and go for me. Don't get me wrong, i LOVE spending the day with the Johnson's... my mother-in-law goes all out for dinner! My personal favorite is her Mac and Cheese...yes...we have it for thanksgiving. Some would say it's a bit non traditional, but it is the Johnson favorite.

This year the whole Thanksgiving experiance has just been so different for me. Maybe it was the fact that I have been talking about it for a week and a half now with my kids, or the fact that the Shipmans are here to enjoy this season with us, or maybe it's the fact that we are having Thanksgiving dinner at my house this year. In fact, as i type denis is busy in the kitchen getting things ready :). Maybe it is a combination of all these things and is just that this year...things feel different.

I decided at the beginning of this week that i wanted to take this holiday season to gain perspective. To REALLY stop and think about what i am thankful for. In order to do that, i removed some things from my life for a season (like myspace and facebook that always seem to be calling my name) and use my down time to try and take in the big picture. I have come to the conclusion that i am so incredibly lucky. I have an loving husband, wonderful friends, and i am a part of the greatest family ever. So i would like to take the opportunity to say Thank you...

To my Family:
I look back on my life and i see a house that was filled with laughter. Laughing with all of you is my favorite thing. Whether its when we are playing games, or dad telling his silly jokes, or when someone says something completely ridiculous and we can't contain the urge to make fun of them for it! (90% of the time, it is rachel or i saying the ridiculous thing...shocking i know!) I look forward to the holidays when all of us can be in the same house. I love what our house sounds like when all of us are there. I love the way mom will cook all of our favorite foods. I love the way dad sit at the table just a little longer than usual to be with his kids. I love the way Allison loves to organize our big outings and our games. I love the way Josh just shakes his head at this giggling sisters. I love the way Denis and Mike will hide downstairs because being around the Freer woman just seems a bit overwhelming. I love the way Rachel tells stories from our childhood like they just happened and laughs as if it is the first time she has told it. I love harmony and they way she expanded all of our hearts. We love her in a way we never thought we could love. So to my family. Love isn't a strong enough word to express what my heart feels toward each of you. I am so thankful to call you mine.

To my Friends:
Each of you are my living, breathing treasures. Each and every one of you hold a very significant part of my heart. I love that i can be myself with you and that you love me just the same. Flawed and all. I used to think that the more friends i had, the better i would feel. So i tried to maintain all these friendships because i thought i would find purpose in that, but i never did. These past few years i have learned that it is about quality, not quantity. I consider myself so lucky to have each of you in my life. To amy and john-- for always making me laugh, even when i don't feel like it. John, you are like a brother to me. thank you for always bringing me back to reality. Amy, thank you for all my "free refills!" Your timing is always perfect. To Jaime-- thank you for giving me the excuse to escape life and revert to my childhood. To Heather-- thank you for a continual shoulder to lean on, cry on, and laugh on. may our quote book continue to grow. To Finer Things-- We declared that 2008 would be best yet! Thank you for all the many meals we have shared, for our conversations and our inside jokes. I love you all!!! To Leandra-- i don't deserve all the love you give me. I hope to someday return to you all the love you deserve. To Kelly-- May God continue to show His faithfulness. I stand firm believing that your best is yet to come. To Christy-- i'm not even sure where to begin...thank you for being the best listener i know. i don't know where i would be without you. To Aimee and Shane-- COME BACK! I miss you terribly...

To my Pastors:
Pierre and Marlize-- For so long i dreamed of being a part of the Fathers House. I consider it a privaledge to not only serve with you, but to call you friend. Here's to many many many more years of ministry and friendship together. We love you both!

and last but certainly not least...

To my Husband:
You are my best friend, my biggest cheerleader, my toughest critic, and my greatest treasure. Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you THANK YOU for choosing me. Being your wife is such an honor. I love you more today than ever. Thank you for sharing your life with me.

** when i started writing this blog, it was early this morning, and i had to put it aside to prepare for the day. I am currently ready for bed after a very successful thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!


Amy said...

Oh bec, I love you so much!
I am so glad you are taking these moments to sit back and enjoy them without all the fuss. You are on the top of my list of things I am most thankful for! Oh and thank you for talking about John first, I am sure I will hear about that forever

Anonymous said...

Becca, You deserve all the love anyone can give. I am so blessed to call you my sister and best friend. Not sure where life would be right now without. BORING possibly. You always know when to say the craziest things, there is always laughter when your around...I am forever thankful for you! Like Amy said your on the top of my list...Love: Leandra

Anonymous said...

Thank you honey for your kind words to your family - you know we love it when ALL of you can be home - it isn't often enough anymore! You have all grown into adults we are very proud of and we so enjoy seeing the changes you all bring into our lifes; whether grand children or potential spouses or your 'animal children'! Look forward to tomorrow when you and Denis are here! Love, Mom

Rachel said...

You are the greatest sister ever, the greatest friend ever, and I know I speak for Mom and Dad that you are the second best daughter ever (had to stick that one in!). I am so very very thankful for you!!!!

Unknown said...

(Thought i'd help you get back to our childhood once again!). I love you so much, and I'm so proud of you for finally, finally starting to think about YOU. You have grown so much as a friend, sister, daughter, and woman of God. The more time you take to reflect on life and help slow things down a bit, the better person you can be...

You're the best (and tied with Rachel of course for that title).

Aimee said...

WE MISS YOU, TOO!!! So glad we get to see you for a bit this weekend. Can't wait! :) We love you and are so thankful for friends like you... especially when we're so far away.

Anonymous said...

Wow, when you make a list of your friends, I'm the first one that comes to mind. I'm touched, Freer.

You and Rachel have been like sisters to me for years, and I wouldn't trade my friendship with the two of you for almost anything.

I'll include the almost though, because if someone made a really good offer, like a million dollars, I'd hate to be a liar!

My name is Heather. said...

YOU are the greatest friend. I love you. And I can't wait to share stories and quotes with you on monday. Miss you!

Anonymous said...

You are a beautiful person and I love you so much - for some reason God has caused me to feel very protective over who you are and what He has put inside of you. mmmmmm so much flows from who you are. Continue to guard your heart, and take time to reflect and push those roots even deeper into Him. You inspire me darling .... Marlize xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

my love,
your way with words is amazing. amazing enough to cause me to finally comment on the blog i typically only stalk ;)
as i've told you, your friendship is one i treasure like no other. i honestly cannot think of another friendship that could endure the full plates we've been handed and all that entails.
we declared 2008 to be great, but i know 2009 can only get better and i am looking forward to enjoying it with you :)
i love you- to infinity and beyond!!! and am forever grateful for you, your love and your friendship...
love ya, ang.

kelly elizabeth said...

Bec, I love you like woah. And I am thankful for YOU! Cant wait to see you in a few weeks!!! jump over the moon