Tuesday, November 18, 2008

You are the love of my life...

Because he just had a birthday and our 6 year anniversary is rapidly approaching, here are a few things about my husband.

1) Where did you meet? Roberts. He was my choir director :) but quickly became one of my best friends.
2) How long did you date before you got married? We dated for a year and we were engaged for a year.
3) How long have you been married? Coming up on six years!
4) What is your favorite feature of his? his smile and his eyes. i pray our kids get them.
5) What is your favorite quality of his? i love how calming he is. I tend to be high strung so he evens me out.
6) Does he have a nickname for you? yes.--babe
7) What is his favorite food? chicken or steak
8) What is his favorite sport? football
9) When and where was your first kiss? It was new years day on my parents couch :) (Ashley, you and i have that i common! What rebels we are)
10) What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? steal a weekend away together. We don't do it very often, but when we do, it is so incredible. we are due for one here soon!
11) Do you have any children? no, but we have 4 incredible Godkids and the cutest niece EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12) Does he have a hidden talent? not many people know that he can play the guitar. He taught himself to play. Also, he loves making any worship song sound country. don't know if that is necessarily a talent, but boy it is funny
13) How old is he? He just turned 28
14) Who said "I love you" first? He did.
15) What is his favorite type of music? Jazz
16) What do you admire the most about him? He love for the Lord and his passion for ministry
17) Do you think he will read this? no he won't. he checks everyone else's blog but mine.


Anonymous said...

Ryan and Ashley kissed on your parents' couch? That's just weird.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I guess I better keep a close watch on my couch?? eh?? Love, Mom