Friday, November 21, 2008


Two years ago exactly i posted a blog titled "how much have i changed in 10 years" I answered a series of questions as though it was 10 years earlier, and then i answered the same questions for what was then, present day. I thought it might be interesting to see if much has changed in just two years. Here we go....

*** i have left the answers from two years ago for comparison purposes :)

How old are you?: 25 1/2
--- 27 1/2

Where do you work?: Pearce 4 Kids
--- Pearce 4 Kids, The Father's House, RachelAnn Photography :)

Where do you go to school?: NO WHERE! I actually teach school now....look how the tables have turned!
--- I still don't go to school, even though i practically live on RWC campus.

Where do you live?: North Chili NY
--- North Chili, but I've lived two other places in the past two years...

Where do you hang out?: church mostly. and applebees! :) and at home with my hubby
--- I'm still at church quite a bit, but at least we aren't doing six services a weekend anymore :) other than that, you can find me at Mike and Rachel's playing hide and seek with Harmony.

Do you wear glasses? still don't wear them...don't even have a clue where they would be....
--- i have come to the conclusion that i need glasses... i have a hard time seeing the menu on my TV....and seeing street signs... i wasn't a licenced driver two years ago!

What is your hairstyle?: semi-long, and brown....not by my choice though...just the way it turned out when i colored it myself.
--- jut below the shoulders, newly brown, done by a professional :)

Still talk to any of your old friends?: Just a few of them. I guess only a few decided to stick around! :)
--- facebook and myspace are a wonderful thing (mostly just facebook these days), but they have really helped me stay in contact with alot of my high school friends. We have our 10 year high school reunion this summer...wowsers...

How many piercings?: just my ears still....but if you ask John, my voice is piercing as well...whatever!
--- still just my ears...but not my voice :)

How many tattoos: none!
--- still a big no!

What is your biggest fear?: Losing someone I love
--- still my number one fear....

Has your heart been broken?: Yes
--- yep

Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter: MARRIED!!!!!!!!! to the most wonderful man alive. we are coming up on our 4 year anniversary!!!! I am so lucky....
--- proud to say i am still married to my best friend. My love for him grows everyday. I am still So lucky....

1 comment:

Rachel said...

still think John would say that your voice is still a little on the piercing side- but i can't say anything since I sound just like you... I know that because about 20 people at church told me so! One of us needs to get a new voice and a new face because it's getting old saying "I'm not Becca!"