Wednesday, November 05, 2008


I am doing my best to try and keep up with my blog again. I always feel like there is never anything of real importance, or even of interest for that matter, to blog about these days. Denis and I are just trying to keep our head above water these days... which hasn't always been easy given the million things we feel like we are juggling. But even in the craziness of it all, we find that we are so blessed. We attended a big church-wide volunteer training at our church a few weekends ago and our pastor talked about how God honor's us with "moments" in the midst of our "task." Sometimes the task at hand is hard or frustrating, and in my case, it seems to be beyond me, but just when we question if we can see it through or if we just feel like giving up, God lets us experience a "moment." A moment when we realize exactly why it is we do what we do. I live for those moments because it is like water to my soul.

In the midst of all the craziness, this past week has been packed full of fun and excitement! First up was the Steven Curtis Chapman and Michael W Smith concert! It was so wild! we had incredible seats. We sat in the 5th row! A big thanks to Steve and Amy Otto for our unforgettable evening. Here are just a few pics of our night. For those of you who have facebook, many more can be seen there :)

Next up was trunk-n-treat at our church. It was a wild and crazy event at our church. Alot of hard work and planning was put into this incredible evening. Kudos to our very own Mike Shipman for diving into this event planning just moments after his feel touched down here in Rochester. Welcome to the Father's House Mike! :)

I hosted a car with my "moon" buddy (inside joke...just for you matt) Matt D'Angelo. We trunk and treated Hawaiian style! Also, Harry Potter was there! We had such a great time! Check out rachel's blog to see the kid with the cutest costume there!

Last, but certainly not least. Today is my baby's birthday... I took a half day off today to spend with him. Our lives have been tugging us in so many different directions, so today we decided to take a moment and steal away time together. We layed around all afternoon, had some birthday visitors, and then we were off to a nice dinner in the city. We went to a place called Two Vine. The food was amazing. We talked about life and about or future and we just sat and dreamed. Even now as i type i am overwhelmed with love for Denis. I am absolutely honored that he chose me as his wife. I love this man more everyday. I love the silly side that he only allows me to see. I love his passion for the Lord and his dedication to the ministry. Happy birthday babe. I will love you forever and ever.


Amy said...

Aww Happy Birthday Denis! I am glad you guys had a special day just the two of you. I love 2vine we went their for our one year anniversary! Glad you're getting your moments in the midst of things. Lets have a moment over some Jitters later today :)

Anonymous said...

hawaiian style!

Anonymous said...

Always nice to see your 'moments' and to hear how life is. I too wish you guys could slow down your life; but hopefully that will come SOME day!!?? And I know you and Denis make a great pair - can't wait to see the babies that come!! ha! (sorry, had to say that!). Have a great year, Denis. Love to you both, Mom Freer