Tuesday, February 21, 2006

oh...there's more!!!

Like i said in my last blog, i am in New Jersey visiting with my good friends christy and ben. If you are also a faithful reader of Rachel's blog, you read recently about rachels trip to NJ as well. And if you recall the title of her blog was " Do you have a Pittsburgh license?" Just to give you some background info on my good ole buddy, I met her while at Roberts. We lived on the same floor our freshman year and even though we didn't hit it off right away, we eventually became inseparable. She attended Roberts for three years then went to RIT for another 2 and then FINALLY graduated with a mechanical engineering degree! So needless to say that Christy has both brains and beauty. BUT now that she is out of school, I fear that her brain power is slowly fading. Let me explain. Well first, as mentioned above, when Rachel was here she asked Rachel if she had a Pittsburgh license, to which Rachel responded, "No...but I have a Pennsylvania license!" exhibit A to christy's brain farts. Exhibit B: Not to long ago, apparently Ben and Christy were in a discussion as to what Chinese or Japanese people liked to be called. Ben assumed oriental, but Christy said Asian. To which Ben thought was silly because there are more than just those 2 countries in Asia, what about India and Russia. Christy then unfortunately responded that Russia wasn't in Asia....so sad. Christy, Russia is like 80% of Asia, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you truly did know that. Exhibit C: Today while on the way to dinner, we were catching up on who is married, who isn't, who is enganged, and all that jazz. We started talking about a friend of ours who just graduated for Regent University in Virginia Beach, where she is still living. After Denis gave her that information, christy then responded " No...I thought that she lived in Virginia.... Oh Christy, Christy, Christy... you are TOO much.

We have had a great time laughing and catching up. She never ceases to make me laugh. And apparently she wasn't too thrilled with her laugh of "face time" in my last update, so Christy, this whole blog was just for you. Now i can stay on as speed dial number 8....(only rach and christy will get that...sorry rach...you just have to be 9)

in the words of my friend christy, peace out!


Unknown said...

Rachel, 9 isn't bad...well as the number as a whole...but when compared to 8, i know, i know you're complex...but you made the top 10 cut!! I still love you! I can't wait to spend the weekend just the three of us!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi honey....so glad to see an update on your happenings. Please pass on my greetings and love to Christie - hope all is going well in the married life!!!
Do give me a call when you guys are at Circle C this weekend. Love to see you, but you know how I love to travel where there is a threat of snow! Love, Mom