Wednesday, February 08, 2006

"This is me in a nut shell"

I must begin this post by begging for forgiveness from all of my faithful readers. John checked and I haven't posted anything but pictures, updates and quotes since december 1st... So please forgive me for being neglectful and I hope that all of you will continue to support "The life of a Blogger"

I am not even sure where to begin....I think that i will just give you some highlights of the last 2 months. I will try to be brief and put them in categories to help the process along. Here we go!

A few of my favorite things or events:

- I took a trip to my parents house the week before christmas to kind of just unwind and spend some well deserved time with my mommy...yes i said mommy. The only bad thing about the trip was that i was there for my 3 year anniversary! WHOOPS! My bad... and the even bader thing...yes i said bader...denis had to remind me that it was our anniversary! BIGGER WHOOPS! Maybe i will think ahead next year!

- My Favorite Christmas present- my pink ugg boots from my brother! LOVE THEM! I look totally cute in them, right john!

- I was asked to Be little Robbie Tyler's God Mother! YEAH! The next best thing would to be either a mom or an aunt, and the whole mom things ain't happenin' any time soon, so rachel....guess what that means! You might as well start painting a baby room now before you settle in. because Marriage + House = BABY SHIPMAN! (hopefully a girl so we can avoid the whole KEMPER thing again!)

- As you have all been updated on Ambers progess. That has been a HUGE thing these past few months. My faith continues to grow as God continues to heal her. She is getting better everyday physically and emotionally. Please don't stop praying. She still needs a miracle.

- My favorite movie i saw (and i saw a few these past few months!) Was Glory Road. AMAZING! I laughed, cried and cheered like i was really at a basketball game. It is a definate MUST SEE! It will be in my movie collection, that is for sure.

Next Category: Embarassing Moments

Well as mentioned before...embarassing moment #1- FORGETTING MY ANNIVERSARY! I just can't get over it...someday i will make it up to him though.

Embarassing Moment #2- one night denis was out and i missed him, so i thought that i would send him a text message to tell him that. The message went something like this:
"Hey babe...i miss you already. I just want you to come home so we can spend some alone time together...kisses."
...well, being the brillant nursery school teacher that I am, i send it to DEANNA NOT DENIS!!! Similar...yes SO very different...lucky she just thought i was joking around and played along with it. Unless she reads this blog...she will never know that it was truly intended for the other Johnson....lucky i kept the message rated PG!

Embarassing Moment #3- i went to this really fancy dinner/dancing extravaganza the other night. You get all dressed up, eat great food and dance to a great live band. Well i was having one of those "i feel really fat in everything" nights and i couldn't pick a dress....out of all the bridesmaid dresses i have (not rubbing it in rach) i just couldn't pick one. i settled on the red one i wore for robbie and leticia's wedding, cause i just can't go wrong with Red....oh so wrong. It just so happened that Andrea lent her SAME DRESS to another girl and yes folks, we were dressed the same, and to make it worse, she looked sad....and embarssing.

I am sure that i have done more embarrasing things in the last 2 months, but i just can't think of anything else to write. if anyone else would like to contribute, go ahead. I GOT NOTHING TO HIDE!

Next Topic- Regrets

1) Cutting my long beautiful hair....apparently everyone else regrets me doing it as least hair grows, right...

2) Throwing Denis a graduation party

3) Not calling home more...sorry mom

4) Not keeping up with my blog

Moving on- Exciting News

- MY SISTER BOUGHT A HOUSE! i was 70% excited and 30% jealous at first, but now i am more 85%-15%...i can't wait to see it. It is going to be great Rach, i am truly happy for you...and jealous...but mostly happy!

- I found out that some of my favorite cousins are fellow bloggers! i am so excited to be able to check in with them! I wonder if i have anymore friends or family out there in cyber space just waiting for me to find them!!!!

- I may be promoted at my job. Nothing is offical yet, but i have been offered a new position starting in the fall. They are some pretty big shoes to fill, but i will put on my big girl shoes and try my best....wink wink...

- MY HUSBAND GRADUATED!!! he has a religion and philosphy degree. I couldn't have been more proud of him that least i rememberd THAT! I really am a good wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last but not least: Top 12 Goals for no particular order

1) Lose 20 pounds. Amy is my work out buddy. We have a wedding to look good for!
2) Call my mom more
3) Be 100% happy for rach and her new house
4) become an Aunt..... hehehehehe
5) See my Grammy and Poppy
6) Try to control my emotions when my brother walks across the stage at graduation... Don't think that is gonna happen though. One can try
7) Try to control my emotions when i walk down the isle and see John stading there and then when Amy comes down the isle...another goal that is desitined to fail. OH WELL
8) Be a better wife...
9) Never miss a 24 episode!!!! Miss one and your done!
10) Be patient as God reveals His plans for Denis and I. This is so hard, but there is nothing else to do but wait
11) Watch Amber be completly healed. All things are possible with Christ!
12) Last, but not least, get pregnent!!!! or at least enjoy trying (Sorry mom)

I promise that i won't wait as long for the next post. LOVE YOU ALL!


Anonymous said...

1) If a guy forgot his anniversary, it would be the end of the world. The female population would never let him live it down. Just remember the old 3rd anniversary when Denis forgets one somewhere along the line…plan on cutting the man some slack in advance.
2) They’re called “Uggg” boots because that’s what people say when they seem them on your feet… “ugg, those are hideous.”
3) Kemper…don’t start that again, please people take the naming of your child serious, they are going to be named that the rest of their life (or go through a lot of legal hassle and costs to have it changed). Some words are names, some words aren’t…you shouldn’t need someone to point that out for you. Enough said. Rachel and Amy, commiserate.
4) The text message is good…now that one of your kids can read, you can’t. It must have been Mary who taught him.
5) I’ve already forwarded this to Deanna’s RWC email account.
6) Don’t always assume hair grows…mine just stopped one day.
7) The shoes aren’t really that big…I would guess maybe 10/10.5 depending on the brand. Plus, you can do it…the only thing you have to get over is the perception that he was some kind of miracle worker there. I have it on good authority that a lot of people could have done his job very well – you included.
8) Umm, and about that last line…WHAT? Easy now…you keep your text messages rated PG and then step this up to a PG-13 like that?

Amy said...

I hope by destined to fail you were saying you controling your emotions not us getting married..pretty rude for someone who wants to "Axe" their way into the maid of honor position
I will try to be the best workout partner I can and stop saying things like "Aren't you done on that treadmill yet" you are doing so awesome I am so proud of us we're gonna look stinkin great...but me better then you ok? Please? its my wedding.

Rachel said...

1) what is this job position that you are talking about? remember that I don't live in Rochester anymore, and I'm totally out of the loop! Is it still a teaching job?
2) You are TOTALLY rubbing it in with the whole bridesmaids dresses- just cuz I've been asked to be in 2 weddings, and you've been in, oh 200 doesn't mean ANYTHING....well actually it does, but whatever.
3) I honestly don't think that Kemper is THAT bad of a name!!! It's cute, it's different, and it's COOL! Ya'll will have to learn to it!
4) Though I haven't seen your hair, I'm sure it looks great. Didn't you say it looks like mine? Do you regreat looking like me!?! Just remember that Mike thinks your a KNOCK OUT!
5) Why do you regreat throwing Denis a graduation party- once again, out of the loop! Fill a sista in!

Anonymous said...

Come on Rach, you're smarter than that...if you can't figure out the job based on my response #7 then you're just not on the ball...

Amy said...

Maybe Rach got exhausted after reading the first 5 of the 8 bulleted comments and never made it to #7. I could see that as something that could possibly happen :) Miss you Rach

becca said...

rach- i am gonna clear some things up for you:
1) when i said that i wish that i would have thrown denis a graduation party i just meant that i wish that i would have made a bigger deal about it. he deserves it. i mean he went to school for 7 years...most people are doctors by now!
2) Think real hard about who's job i could be filling...i can't just come out and say it because nothing is offical yet. You are a smart will figure it out! i have faith in you
3)mike only thinks i am a knock out because i look like you
4) if you name your child kemper, i will never call his name.
5) i am not insulting your hair do! i just miss my long hair and apparently everyone else does too.
6) and if you want to borrow some of my dresses to hang in your closet so people think you have been in a lot of weddings, i am ok with that.

The Barretts said...

Hey Becca: Yay! An update!! And I'm excited that one of your goals is to get pregnant this year :) Our baby will need a friend in the US :) Hope you guys are doing well and we miss you!!

becca said...

i think that is an excellent idea sarah. i can't wait to meet the newest little addition to our family. i think about you often! Send Jamin my love

Anonymous said...

OH I so LOVE to read about your happenings and the response from so many people....including my Canadian family! Hope this finds all well with you guys - that is, especially Sarah and Jamin as they await their precious arrival!!
Becca, you got your hair cut? HOW short?...just a trim? Keep us posted on the job possibilities too! I'm sure Denis knows how proud you are of him and all the work he did to graduate! If you'll remember, you never had a graduation party either (oh, there was that special dinner out - remember that?? he?). Maybe it won't be till spring, but I'd love to plan a weekend when you AND I can go visit Rachel and help her settle into her new home!? Do we need to plan that in your busy date book months ahead of time? Plans for the weekend? Hope to hear your voice soon. Love, Mom

Rachel said...

Just to clear up for people who seemingly think I'm not too bright- I thought that they already found someone to take over John's job- that was my confusion. But now that it's all cleared up- I think Becca would do great in the position!

becca said...

rach...i think you're bright. you are just a really easy target.

Val said...

Hi Becca! I found your blog (it's Val, by the way). I don't have much time to comment, but I've been totally slacking off in the blog department too. :-)

P.S. My goal is to get pregnant this year too. We can be buddies. ;-)