Thursday, November 22, 2007

Harmony Joy Shipman!!!!

I am pretty sure i will be floating on cloud nine for a long time to come. On November 20, 2007 at exactly 12:57, Harmony Joy Shipman graced the world weighing 7 lbs and 2 oz, 21 inches long. In the words of Mary Poppins, she is practically perfect in every way.

I received a text at 4am on Tuesday morning that said only one word... LABOR! not a minute later my mom called to let me know her and allison were on their way to Pittsburgh. I let her know that the soonest i could be there was Wednesday evening after church. I had a very hard time going back to sleep. i was consumed with thoughts of rachel and harmony. I prayed for a quick easy labor and safety for my family. Once i finally fell back asleep, i dreamed that harmony would come out with red hair like my mom. I woke up early that morning and called mike to see how rachel was. I got ready and headed to work but obviously i was very distracted! Allison called in the middle of my class and that is when it really hit me that i was missing such a huge moment in my sister's life. And i did not do well at all with that realization. When denis called soon after allison to see how denis was. When he asked me how i was doing with it all, i broke down. I absolutely lost it. All i wanted to do was be with rachel and mike.

After my class was over denis called me back and asked if i could leave ASAP, would i. i freaked out of course and said HECK YES! he then purchased me a plane ticket and i was rushing home to pack my bags. Let me pause my story for a moment and say that i am married to the most amazing man in the world. Babe...thank you so much for understanding how much i needed to be with my family. make a long story short, i should have been in Pittsburgh by 5, but after a crazy day of delays and missing my connecting flight, i arrived at 10:30pm!!! it was crazy.

visiting hours didn't start till noon the next day, so needless to say we arrived just shortly after. Seeing harmony for the first time was a moment i will never forget. It is an instant love i had only heard about. She is so beautiful and such a good little girl! we spent the entire day with her and mike let me stay the night with rach and harmony.

Since rachel did end up having an emergency c section, she wasn't supposed to come home until friday, but the doctor said...and i quote "since it is thanksgiving i will let you go home early" When rachel heard those words, she became a different person. she was up and in the shower and we quickly got everything ready to head home.

around noon today harmony was in the comfort of her own home with her proud mom and dad. Kemper was so excited about the new arrival. it was adorable to see them meet...even though harmony slept through it!

we have been enjoying a wonderful, quiet Thanksgiving day here at the Shipmans. I am blessed beyond words to have been able to be here for as much as i have.

Denis arrived around 4 today. We will be staying through saturday morning.

Here are a few pictures of the beautiful baby girl. Look for more soon!


Aimee said...

Thanks for posting more pictures! And you're right... she is just about perfect in every way :) I can't wait to see her (and her Mommy & Daddy) next month on our way through for Christmas!!! Soak up every minute with her and give her kisses from us, too :)

Amy said...

She is beautiful. I love how in the first one you can't even see her just you, no offense Bec but we didn't log on the blog to see you.

Carrie said...

Oh she is just beautiful. You will make the best aunt!

Ashley said...

she is completely amazing. i'm so glad you were able to go right away to see them..... if anyone deserved to be there it's YOU, AUNT BECCA! :)

My name is Heather. said...

Yea! She is here! She is beautiful, and I can't wait to meet her. Rachel's a champ!

The Barretts said...

I'm so excited to see pictures! Harmony is beautiful (of course)! What a miracle a new baby is :)

Bethany said...

How exciting! How about some pics of the parents? Did Rachel refuse? :o)

Anonymous said...

Yeah.....she is perfect! I am having the priviledge of spending the week with the Shipmans and getting to know this little bundle. I don't know if it's because I am the Grammie or what, but she is perfect! Mamma is doing well too; getting around better every day; and she is a natural Mom! Can't wait till she gets her camera out and does a 'shoot' of Harmony! I need LOTS of pictures to take back to show off! Love you Harmony! Grammie Freer!!!