Saturday, April 01, 2006

Quiz Time!!!

ALrighty folks. It is quiz time once again. And why do I love quiz time, cause it is ALL ABOUT ME!...or so john would like to think. No, really....Rach suggested it so i am going to do another quiz. This quiz will be a little different because you will give the answers, there won't be selections to choose from. So answer very carefully...and remember, my mom reads this blog so BEHAVE! hehehe... Just like the last time, i am going to post my answers when it seems like everyone is done taking the quiz. Good luck to you all...

1) If i were a color, what color would i be and why?

2) If i were an animal, what animal would i be and why?

3) What is my favorite ice cream flavor?

4) What is my favorite movie?

5) What is my CURRENT favorite TV show?

6) Name one of my celebrity crushes (this question is SOOOO easy, this is like free points!)

7) What is Denis's middle name....rachel, i am going to ask you NOT to answer this question since you definatly know...i will give you the point anyway?

8) On average, how many pairs of shoes do i own?

9) What color is most frequet in my wardrobe?

10) What color are my eyes?

11) How many piercings do i have?

12) What date is my wedding anniversary?

13)What kind of car do we own?

14) How many pillows do i have in my living room? (this one is TRICKY!!!)

15) Last but not least...who do you think will win this quiz?

happy quizzing!


Unknown said...

So since these are open ended questions..does that mean we can get partial credit?? You've asked some pretty difficult questions, i've thought about them all weekend....

Oh and by the way...ALIAS is going to be on Apri 19th for a 2 hour happy birthday to you! (I know yours is the 16th, but it's the Wednesday after!)

I'll be back on later with my quiz answers...bye babe!

Anonymous said...

OK....let's see how your old Mom is at the answers! I knew most of them - you've seen so many movies that I couldn't ekep track of that answer anyway!!
#1 - red, favorite color
#2 puppy?
#3 chocolate
#4 something romantic - sleepless?
#5 24!!!
#6 Keifer Sutherland?
#7 Gilbert
#8 too many! 25?
#9 black/white
#10 beautiful brown - like Dad's!
#11 - one in each ear
#12 - 12/21/02
#13 - Honda Accord (Dad helped!)
#14 - 8??
#15 - Rachel - or maybe Amy

How was your weekend? I hear you won't be home next weekend - boo hoo, thought ALL of you would be home together to celebrate birthdays! So sorry!! WHEN will we see you???? Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

I really feel like this is way too much work...

Unknown said...

Becca...i told you to wait until i saw you and refreshed my memory on those things to put your quesions up!! But here goes nothing...

We're talking partial credit here...right???

1) if you were a color i'd say black...well you think you're black anyways, but maybe you'd be accepted a little easier if you were black. But if we're talking being an actual color more than a race color i'd say pink. You'd be pink because it's a happy color, it's a girly color, and depending on the shade it stands out and is noticed, which is everything that you are and stand for.

2)If you were an animal you'd be either a monkey (because they can swim)...sorry had to put that one in there...or a cat because they just sleep all the time

3)Favorite icecream...hmmmm...i'd say chocolate, who doesn't like chocolate?

4)Your favorite movie is either Newsies or High School Musical

5)Your current favorite TV show is 24, and i can only say that because ALIAS isn't on, but it will be in two ask that questions again in 2 weeks! (I'd say that CSI is a close second)

6)One celebrity crush...Ty Pennington, a second crush: Nick from CSI...however he's gay so i don't think it'd work out :)

7)Hmmmmmm...just kidding i know it!! It's GILBERT! and didn't rachel have a panther named after him?? Make way for Denis Gilbert Johnson III!!

8)How can you say on average?? Isn't that a quantitative question that requires multiple amounts of data?? I know what this question is asking but i think it's worded incorrectly...but i'd say you have approximately 27.

9)The color most frequent in your wardrobe is brown. Some people might think pink, but what goes best with pink and any other color except for black...brown!

10)easy. your eyes are poop brown

11)you have 2, one in each earlobe

12) you were married on December, 21st.

13) you own a black car. i have no idea what kind it is. it's nice, it's black, it's standard. that's all i know.

14)Number of pillows in your living room...this is a guess 2 on each couch, one in the nest chair, 2 on the floor, and 2 to make the number 9! 9 pillows

15)This is a tough question...i don't think it's me. It'll either be Rachel or Amy. Rachel because half her features are the same (eye color, piercings) but Amy is over atleast once a week on Thursdays so she is able to see if you have made any changes in the past few months...overall i'd say RACHEL!!

Man i hope i did i'm nervous...

I'll talk to you soon i hope!

ps. i didn't cheat!!

Amy said...

I originally was going to boycot this quiz because I thought it was too much work and my night shifts were busy but I am waiting for Gilmore Girls to come on so I have some spare time so I'll give it a try....

1. If you were a color I think you would be red because its your favorite color and its bright and deep and can be an accent color or a main attraction, eye popping color *like my redroom bedroom*
2. If you were an animal you'd be a dog, an older dog who still has energy but doesn't waste it, nothing too peppy, they like to lay around and bask in the sun, they are dependable and loyal and cuddly and cute...
3. Chocolate cookie dough
4. Win a date
5. 24 its your new obsession and basketball has been canceling CSI and Alias isnt on
6. Every celeb is your crush... Ty, Nick, Keifer, Matthew Mac. any black actor the list goes on and on
7. Whats eating Gilbert grape
and his first name is spelled with only one N
8. I'd say 33
9. I'd say red or brown
10. brown
11. 2 piercings unless you're hiding any....hmmm
12. Dec 21st 2002
13. i dont think YOU own any kind of car thats not imaginary but Denis drives a black Accord
14. 10 regulars and then the bedroom one Denis has his head propped on makes 11
15. I think if I dont win Rach will win... prolly Rach she is your twin

becca said...

amy, thank you for not boycotting like john. i didn't think it was going to be that much work... sorry everyone! :) Next time i will keep it to 10 questions!!! you are all doing great so far. i will see if anyone else takes it tomorrow and then the answeres will be posted on friday or so.

becca said...

rachel...where are you....i am waiting for YOU!

Anonymous said...

Ok, fine I'll end my boycott. But I still don't think it's fair that I have to write my blog AND yours.

1) If i were a color, what color would i be and why? White…because that’s what color you are.

2) If i were an animal, what animal would i be and why? Some animal known for their ability to make long trips on foot…maybe something that migrates, because you migrate to Family Video, IGA, Eckerd, etc., and then migrate back.

3) What is my favorite ice cream flavor? You hate ice cream, and all other snacks…especially double stuff oreos.

4) What is my favorite movie? Jerry Springer – To Hot for TV

5) What is my CURRENT favorite TV show? Lambchop’s Singalong

6) Name one of my celebrity crushes (this question is SOOOO easy, this is like free points!) Shakira

7) What is Denis's middle name....rachel, i am going to ask you NOT to answer this question since you definatly know...i will give you the point anyway? Rapmaster

8) On average, how many pairs of shoes do i own? 2.3

9) What color is most frequet in my wardrobe? Lime Green

10) What color are my eyes? Blood shot

11) How many piercings do i have? 3…one in each ear, and your voice.

12) What date is my wedding anniversary? The same day as Denis’…whenever that is.

13)What kind of car do we own? I’m with Amy…Denis has a car, the closest thing you’ve got are the plastic ones in the rec. closet.

14) How many pillows do i have in my living room? (this one is TRICKY!!!) How could anyone pretend to care about this?

15) Last but not least...who do you think will win this quiz? I'm guessing it's not going to be me. Call it a hunch.

becca said... have till saturday to take this quiz! come on already! you are the only one we are waiting for!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why only till Saturday? We all know this will be the only thing on your blog until some time in May.

But serious Rachel, let's reconnect with the world here. (The world being blogs, Becca, Amy, and me.)

Amy said...

I heard Rach wasnt taking the quiz cuz she thought it would be embarassing if she lost a quiz about her twin sister to me.

Rachel said...

People, you NEED to calm down. Even though my life has been hectic, hense the reason for not blogging, it was my intent all along not to post my answers till last so no one would steal them.

Now....the moment you've all been wating for.... here are all of the RIGHT answers.

1. If you were a color you would be red. Red is the color of passion, and you are very passionate about a lot of things. Plus, it's the color that gets noticed the most, and you like things to be all about you. PLUS, you look really good in red, so what better color to be!

2. If you were an animal, you would be a monkey. One of the really small monkeys. Like Marcel on Friends. They make awesome companions, they cuddle, and they are really spazzy when all worked up. And they're always snooping into other people's business.

3. This is a hard one- favorite ice cream. I think it's chocolate and peanut butter. But i think Amy's got this on me because you guys eat together a lot. So maybe it's chocolate cookie dough.

4. Fav. movie is Newsies. If you say it's not your lying. Remember when we used to race home and watch it, singing to all the music, and constantly talk about it while going to bed, or when we were at school. We were OBSESSED. I bet you a million bucks you've never watched a movie as much as that one.

5. 24. Easy. And I don't blame you. It's so completly addicting it ain't even right. What will Jack Bower do next!

6. Ty Pennington
Nick Stokes (George Eeds)
Michael Vartan
Keifer Sutherland
And all the back men you have crushes on but can't admit out loud.

7. So easy. Not only do i have a panther named Gilbert, but Denis and I had a child named Gilbert. Freshman year he and I were in the same Child Dev. class, and we had eggs to take care of. He named is Ann, and I named my Gilbert, and I painted him brown. I broke him two days into the project. Denis was devestated.

8. on average....oh gosh. I'd say 20-25ish. On average that's how many you have out at a time. They change seasonally.

9. I'd would have to say brown too. You're into this brown and pink, brown and cream kick. It works.

10. Brown. Poop bown. Just like daddy's. Why couldn't we have mom's hazel eyes????

11. two. one on each ear. we got them pierced at the Piercing Pagota on our 13th birthday. You're first set of earrings were little pearls because you refused to have the same one's as me (diamond studs). How's THAT for detail.

12. December 21st, 2002. You got married at 5:00 in the evening (well actually a little later than 5:00... maybe 5:15ish)

13. Black Honda Accord. Grey interior. Stick shift.

I better get extra points for detail.

14. I would say 11 or 12. Like amy said, sometime it differs if you bring some from off the bed.

15. Me. Totally me. I'm the Limbo champ AND the quiz champ.

becca said...

about time rach. thanks for the details! ok folks, be looking for the answers tomorrow night. best of luck to all!

Amy said...

Rach, in your answers you referred to mine a few times.... does that mean you read mine before you answered? Which would mean you cheated??? I noticed you didnt reference any of John's answers :)

Amy said...

Umm arent we due for some results here??