Friday, September 26, 2008

Leading Questions

*Due to a recent acceleration of my pace of life, i have been unable to find the time to update my blog. At this particular time, i have found just a moment where i can breath and reflect on these past few weeks and really try to work out a plan to create balance and consistancy in my life. Yeah...I'll let you know how that goes...*

This morning i had a staff meeting and one thing i love doing is Icebreakers. I never want to be that person who just makes someone sit for an hour and listen to me babble on about things they can and cannot do. So i start each meeting with a game or activity to make everyone feel engaged and included in our discussion. So for my meeting today i had everyone pick a piece of paper out of a basket. On this paper was a statement starter. For example "the worst haircut i ever had was..." Everyone had a differnt sentance that they had to complete. I thought I would share them all with you and give you my answers. but the fun doesn't stop there!!! I would like you all to pick three starters and finish them yourselves! So fun huh... :) (hey, at least i'm not posting another quiz people)

are you ready?


Here they are:

The best job I ever had was… O'Dea's SnowTubbing

The worst project I ever worked on was… stripping the wallpaper in one of our old apartments...nightmare...

The riskiest thing I ever did was… pull a senior prank. i most definatly broke the law...real risky. Life lesson i learned...never return to the scene of the crime.

The thing I like the most about this job is… when a student hugs me goodbye and tells me that they love being in my class. Makes all the hard days pale in comparison.

The one time I felt the most stress because I didn’t have enough time was… one time... how about from Jan-present day.

My one regret in life is… not visiting my brother more often when he was in the hospital

If I could go back in time and change one thing about history it would be… the day the music died...just kidding... the day my brother was hurt.

One thing I want to do before I die is… have a baby boy

If I could have a superpower, it would be… the ability to make myself invisible

My most embarrassing moment is… when i was singing at church and i was singing the song "I am free." When it was over, Denis started the intro to "sing to the King" and when it was time to start singing, i started singing the words to "I am free" embarassing...

My dream job would be… Working at The Father's House full time

If I could change one thing about myself it would be… my lack of time managment...or my nose...

My greatest strength is… i work well under pressure

My greatest weakness is… i have no back bone so i never stand up for myself.

The thing I like most about myself is… Jesus in me

If I could spend the day with one person, living or dead, it would be… My Grandpa

ok gang, now it is your turn. Pick three of the statement starters and tell us all your answers! no stealing my answers either :)

ta ta for now


Amy said...

I was waiting for the "I would have had Amy in my wedding"
ok I'll play along...

The worst project I ever worked on: the one i just decided to quit last night... stripping that stupid $5 bookcase I bought from the church garage sale... so not worth it

The riskiest thing I ever did... either marry John Keller or let Mike Shipman live with me for a month

My greatest strength is: my sense of humor

My name is Heather. said...

ok, so...

My most embarrassing moment: when i was talking to a parent about their child while holding him, and the child pulled my shirt down and i didn't know and after the dad left, i looked down and my entire boob (covered by a bra!) was out of my shirt!

One thing I want to do before I die: have a child

If i had a superpower: I would want to be able to fly.

Rachel said...

Also playing along:

best job ever- mommy to Harmony

worst project- would have to say stripping wall paper also.

if i could go back in time I would have made sure you were there for the birth of Harmony!

before I die I want to have grandkids

dream job: owning my own studio

greatest strength: my grace with people

greatest weakness: my grace with people. I also get walked on

Favorite thing about myself- how nice I am- right Becca!?!?!

If I could change one thing about myself is to be able to fit in my favorite jeans I had in college. Hopefully I'll do that someday soon.

Mom of 2 Cuties said...

My turn: the best job I ever had: besides being a mom? Being a camp counselor.

Time I felt the most stress...the week before my wedding. I was trying to finish up the school year and finalize little details for the wedding, etc.

Change one thing in history....have my dad alive still!

Aimee said...

FYI - I tagged you in my latest blog posting. It's a bit like this one you did... but much shorter :) Love you!

Anonymous said...

Been thinking about this for a while and guess I'll play along and add my 2 cents worth!

Best job I ever had - that's easy, being a mom! Loved every minute of it!

Thing I like most about my job is - working with kids - and feeling like I am important!

My one regret in life - not having more 'special' vacations with my kids when they were growing up.

If I could change one things about myself -- easy! My body! ...or my nose; but for different reason than Becca! eh hon??? love you!, Mom