"Just short of Decade"...The words that came out of Ben Faro's mouth when he found out i had PASSED MY DRIVERS TEST! That's right folks. I am now a lisenced driver at the rip old age of 26. I don't feel too busy to be completly honest. My sister seemed to have no problem handing over her keys just hours after my test. Neither did Leandra. So if you have read john's blog at all lately, you will already know the story i am about to tell you. Leandra went with me to take my test because i was the most comfortable with her car. So we went to the test site and i left leandra there on the side of the road in the middle of no where while i took my test. the test guy was super nice which was an answer to prayer. The test itself went quite well. The only thing i didn't do correctly was stop at the white line in an intersection, i stopped at the crosswalk instead. BUT in my defense, the light had turned yellow as i was approching and i didn't think it wise to try and make it, so i slowed to stop and i didn't want to slam on my breaks, so i didn't stop in time. oh well.. I STILL PASSED! BUT the story doesn't end there. i went right to john and amy's house to tell them and rach the good news, and leandra turned to me as we got out of the car and said, "since you are a big girl now, you can be in charge of the keys." so i put them in my purse. Then moments later i said to myself "self, you don't need to bring in your whole purse, just your phone to call denis, larry and andrea" so that's just what i did. i left the keys in the car. and got out. i DID NOT press a lock key though, so i thought i was safe. we hung out for a bit, then i had to go to work, so i went to leave. WELL... apparently leandra's car locks after like 20 second of the door closing automatically. so...the keys were locked in folks. Rach had to use her AAA to get the door unlocked. She took the blame for me...well acutally i think she told the guy it was her baby's fault! nice rach, nice. But since then, i have been doing pretty well.
here i a cartoon i found that i feel is suitable for this blog:
Leandra's spare keys...in the car.... sigh
Also, denis and i just got back from Dallas, a blog about our amazing trip is soon to come.
Denis and i are also in the midst of moving into another house, so things are wild and crazy in these parts. I will post pictures of the house too when we are moved in.
I will see you all on the road :)
Congrats on being a liscensed driver now. I once accidently locked Bev's keys in her car. I thought I hit the unlock button and realized as I shut the door it was the lock. The worst part was the car was running!!!
You have to admit it's a pretty funny story! I still can't get over that she keeps her spare keys in the car!
My comment was "Well, it's about time!" :) I'm so excited for you and your new 'licensed' status. Stay safe on those roads... I hear Rochester has been having a rough time with accidents these past few months. Rachel mentioned how strange it was to look in her rear-view mirror and see you in the car by yourself! Becca is all grown up now ;) Congrats again!
Ok Becca fist of all when you left me on the side of the road, there was a bench for me to sit on, and other people waiting to take their test...Rachel, I don't leave the spare key in the car anymore, I learned 2 lessons. 1) don't leave a spare key in the car and 2) make sure Becca is going to take the key with her...Lessons learned...But one thing for sure is that I still love her dearly...
You are on a 2 folks per blog ratio right here...impressive work.
And maybe you could tell the story about losing your keys LAST night. You thought that getting your liscense would take away something for us to give you a hard time about...little did you know, it was opening up a WHOLE new world.
i should not have to take the blame for losing the keys. i didn't move them at all. chump
congrats. bec! miss you!
Congrats!! That's awesome :)
Hi hon...just back from the weekend getting a few of your abundance of boxes unpacked! Hope you can get to them before too long. You house is gong to be so nice once you get decorations up and such - so happy for you! Hey, to have a dishwasher AND central air - what else do you need -- oh, and a working dryer! he?? I know you are tired so hope you can get some extra rest too (yeah, right, you say, eh?!) Take care and hope to see you soon --- oh, and congrats on your license too!
So are you going to post pictures of your new house?? I wish I could post some of mine, but I don't know where Shane put the digital camera!! :( Hope to hear from you soon - it's been way too long! Miss you and love you :)
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