Friday, November 04, 2005

Because I am a Woman of my word...

WEll...most of the time...anyway, i promised amy that my next long awaited blog would be about her, so amy, as if you haven't been the subject of my blogs enough, here you go... love you girl.

My top 5 Favorite things i love about amy:
5) Her Smile
4) Her Dedication to the Lord, she is a prov. 31 woman
3) They way she doesn't hide anything, she is an open book.
2) Her taste in friends!!!! hehehe
1) how excited she gets about the little things. like plates and crafts and a good book. I LOVE that!

My top 5 Favorite things to do with amy:
5) Just be in the same room together. there doesn't need to be any deep converstaion, we can just be together and be fine
4) Watch Movies
3) EAT!!!!! i think we are too good at that
2) Shop! we can shop with the best of them, we need to do that soon! we have a wedding to plan! hehe
1) just talk, we could talk all night if we had to...oh wait, we did have to! I love our conversations!

Amy, i love you! i am looking forward to many more memories ahead.


Amy said...

Aww. thanks Bec. What a cute blog! You mean the world to me and even though I've gained weight since being your friend its been worth every minute. I wouldn't trade our tv and movie/snack nights for the world.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE how excited Amy gets about small (seemingly menial to other people) things...she would be as excited about winning $1,000 as she would be finding a really great deal in the Target dollar bins. This is the same girl that recieves overwhelming happiness from school supplies and once refered to the 24 color Sharpie set as "the best present ever."

What a cutie!

Amy-La, not you Bec. Nice try.

Anonymous said...

I love to see what's happening in your life with your friends. (hope I'm still a friend too :)
I don't mean to get on old news - but I miss talking to you when you aren't as available as you used to be without your cell phone! I don't personally like the things but you need one! Eh??? Have a wonderful day! Love you