10 Firsts:
First Best Friend: My sister!
First Screen Name: bucky! not cause i ever had buck teeth though...
First Kiss: BT Hemphill...wow...haven't thought of him in forever
First Pet: sampson.... :( (he was our dog)
First Piercing: Ears, i think when i was 13... can't remember though, i know it was on a birthday
First Crush: Jonathan Knight from New Kids on The Block... yeah i am not ashamed to admit it!
First Music: Sandy Patty i am sure! THE FRIENDSHIP COMPANY!
First Car: um....not sure yet, whatever my dad picks out...hope its a jetta!
First love: Jason Hoffmire, aka Hoffy
First stuffed animal: my wrinkle dog...i loved that thing....
9 Lasts:
Last Song listened to: Looking For You-Kirk Franklin
Last drink: Apple Cider, of course!
Last Car Ride: i was with amy picking up pizza, yes amy and i were together and we pigged out...that's just what we do
Last Kiss: My Increadably Handsom husband, Denis, what a kisser!
Last Movie Seen: A Time To Kill...it's a good one, thanks John
Last Phone Call: From CB, she's getting married in TWO WEEKS! AHHHHH
Last CD Played: i am too cool for cds...i've got an IPOD!
Last bubble bath: i think december 21st, 2004
Last time you cried: sunday night at the Mark Shultz concert during the song, Remember Me.
8 Have You Evers:
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: dated him and married him
Have You Ever Been Arrested: nope
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: heck no
Have You Ever Been on TV: yes, the Church of Love Commercial, i represented the white folk
Have You Ever Kissed Someone and Then Regretted it: oh yes!
Have You Ever had a Dream About Someone You Knew: every night...duh
Have You Ever played in the middle of a hurricane: no, hope i never do.
7 career paths you've considered:
1. Teacher, and that is my current occupation
2. Vet
3. Singer
4. Actress, on broadway though, not the movies
5. Interior Designer
6. Worship leader
7. Childrens Pastor
6 Things You've Done Today:
1. woke up...agaist my own will though
2. Hung out with a bunch of 3-year-olds, it was one of their better days
3. took a nap
4. started to clean but amy came
5. hung out with amy, ate, talked, watched tv (nick stokes has a gross mustach!)
6. talked to rach and cb on the phone
5 favorite things In NO Order:
1. sleeping
2. eating, and eating healthier i must say, except the pizza, wings and cake tonight
3. singing
4. being with friends and just acting crazy
5. my mom
3 Choices:
1. White or black: black....giggle giggle
2. Hot or Cold: HOT
3. Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
2 Things You Want to Do Before you die:
1. Have a baby
2. Have a grandbaby
1 thing you regret:
Not going to Jenny and Jamie Hall's wedding