Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My Net

Definition of net:
Cords that are woven or knotted together
A barrier
To cover, protect or surround with
Remaining after all deductions.

These girls are my net.
We are woven together. Linked arm in arm as life rages forward.

Knotted. I'd dare say double knotted :) Secure.

After the storms of life hit my life like an unexpected hurricane, these girls are the barriers that keep the water out.

They cover me in prayer.

They protect my heart.

They surround me with

After I've been left in the dust. Alone. Abandoned. Betrayed. They remain. Always

My net. For life.


Amy said...

I couldn't have said it better myself. I absolutely love you girls. I don't know how God saw me deserving of friends like you but I am so glad He did.

Ashley said...

I have no words! Love you all so much.