Thursday, December 17, 2009

"You make all things new..."

6 has been 6 months since i last posted...and what a six months that has been. There is no way i am even going to try to fill you in on the craziness of life. I can only sum it up in the simple lyrics of my life's song:

"You make all things new, and I will follow you forward."

That is basically where i am at. Moving forward. Plain and simple...not always easy, but none the less, what needs to be done.

Another line of the same songs says this:

"You have risen, with all power in your hands. You have given me a second chance..."

This past years highest high and lowest low wrapped up in a simple phase. Most of my blog followers know that this past year Denis and I lost our first baby. I can't believe that at this time last year i was pregnant and didn't even know it. I carried the baby for 6 weeks before losing our first little life that was given to us for such a short time. But the power of life and death are held only by the Father's hand. In hinds sight, i know now that our first baby had a life and a purpose, and it fulfilled his or her purpose before God took them home. Save in the arms of love. We miss him/her everyday, but we know that their little life changed ours forever. And that is what i cling to.

But as i said before, our God is a God of second chances. We found out in mid-august that we were pregnant again! It has been a wild ride, but i am happy to say that we are almost 22 weeks along and our Doctor has said time and time again that she is PERFECT! Growing perfectly, developing perfectly, and a perfect little beating heart. Hearing the sound of that little heart beating practically takes my breath away. One of the greatest sounds i have ever heard.

We found out the day before Thanksgiving that we are expecting a little girl! We almost didn't find out cause she had her legs tightly crossed and wasn't budging. But our incredible ultrasound tech worked her magic to confirm my "gut feeling" that i was carrying our little Nora(h) Kathleen! It is crazy how much i love her already. I started feeling her right at 20 weeks. It felt like being on a roller coaster at first, now it is kicks. When she gets going, she gives it to me. Denis hasn't been able to feel the kicks yet, but Rach swears she did! Right Rach!?

I promised my mom that i would keep this thing updated so she can have another way of stalking her second grand daughter :) So i am going to try and do my best! Here is a picture of our growing girl!


SARA said...

congrats :) would love to come say hi if you are a church next sunday the 27th and say congrats in person if you wouldnt nmind :)

Rachel said...

i did feel her kick. She must like me better than her daddy. :-)

Amy said...

Yay for updates and double yay for 2 lines in '09. This year has been a year of incredible growth for you and I am so proud of you and happy for where you are now.

Thank you for blessing my life. Love you!

Anonymous said...

One year before Kaitlyn was born, I lost a baby. I was about 6 wks. along and so thrilled to be pregnant. I found out on my 36th. birthday.....what a gift! When I miscarried, I was afraid that was it! But like you said, God is a God of second chances and almost 1 year to the day He blessed us with Kaitlyn. Maybe it was to strengthen our faith....we'll never know. But His plans are always better than ours!

Glad I can share this special time with you via Renee.


LaurenJ said...

Yay! YOu are beautiful!:) I look forward to meeting her.