Monday, July 28, 2008


So i am back from my blogging vacation! :) so...i really didn't go anywhere, i just haven't found the time or the energy to write recently. I am also really frustrated with Blogger right now because it won't upload my pictures from my laptop, and you know me, i don't blog without pictures very often. I have a TON that i would love to share with the cyberworld, but unfortunatly, i am not sure when that is going to happen again. we shall see i guess.
I recently spoke at a womens event at our church and for an opening "icebreaker" everyone had a different color sticker on their coffee cup, and based on what color your sticker was, you had to share a certain thing. My sticker was green so i had to share about what i did for a job. real exciting. :) but the person who had a yellow sticker shared their High point of their day as well as their Low point. (this was a game that we used to play in college all the time at the end of the day, i loved it!) i was bummed that i didn't get to share mine, cause i had some good ones. So since i didn't get to share them at our womens event, here are the highs and lows of the last month that i have let pass by without blogging.

Highs: ( in no particular order)
-My sister surprising me by showing up at church. i about freaked out, but i had was kinda in the middle of singing, so i did my best to compose myself. this was the best surprise i have had in a long long time...i love that lady...
-I have seen Harmony TWICE this month!!!!!
-Girls night at Splatters (aka: therapy session with Heather, Amy, Mattie and leandra)
-Going to the cottage with the Keller's, Moore's and the George's...who won boxers or briefs again...oh was me! how silly of me to forget :)
-Spending time with my parents before they left for California. (i got more time than we even planned! YEAH!!!)
-We took a Financial Course at church and we learned SOOOO much. we on track to being debt free!
-Baby Riley Janet Passer was born and denis and i were able to be there to see her just minutes after she came into this world. she is precious and healthy and looks like her momma.
-Watching Denis preach at church. i am so proud of my baby. i love being his wife.
-Going to Pittsburg for a few days over July 4th. I loved getting away and spending so much time with Rachel. Rachel hooked me up... right rach? :)
-Being around my God kids...they keep us laughing all day long. they are so precious to me.
-Seeing Jaime! still jealous of her trip, but really thankful i was able to sneak in a few visits with her.
-Going out to eat with Christy and Ben THREE sunday's in a row. i love that...
-Having CB in town
-Looking down the row in church two weekends ago and seeing the 4 girls i love to sing with more than anyone. VOM what?!
-Shooting a wedding with my sister-in-law. she is one good photographer. i look forward to working with her again.
-seeing my brother in law last weekend :)

-Driving back from Pittsburg. i hated leaving.
-My computer almost crashed at the wedding and i almost lost pictures i had already deleted from my memory card. that would have been SOOOOO very very bad.
-After our finance class was over, i was on information overload and all i dreamed about was money.
-Summer camp last week KICKED MY BUTT. i questioned my calling in child care everyday.
-losing to the George's in Baggo. So close... next time meg and time
-having to leave the cottage early
-making our bed at the cottage..right amy...big low of the day :)
-Being lectured by John and Rachel because i didn't know who Brett Farve was...does that really make me a bad person?!?!?!
-dropping my parents off at the airport. i ALWAYS have such a hard time saying goodbye to them.
-Not being in california to see my brother graduate.... but i am so proud of the kid.
-lately i have felt like i haven't had much of a social life...i miss my friends.

There you have it. i could add so much more, but i won't bore you with all the details. pray i can load pictures soon!!!!

until next time...


Anonymous said... low would have been "finding out that I know someone who doesn't know who Brett Favre is." There's really no excuse. There are kids living in a hut in a 3rd world country, with no power or running water...and I bet you they know Brett Favre.

kelly elizabeth said...

It is about time for a post! You know it is bad when I am a better blogger than you! Miss you terribly, love you forever.

Aimee said...

She's back!! Good to see a blog from you again :) And I must say... I am a bit sad that you don't know who Brett Favre is. And I also must say that blogger works great for me - maybe it's that computer you always love to talk about so much! ;) Hmm... my PC works just fine. Hahahaha

Amy said...

Like I said I still love you, maybe even more so since you don't know who who Brett Favre is. And yes making the bed was one of the surprising lows from the weekend... who knew it would be so hard?

Rachel said...

I need to hear about this whole "making the bed" issue... I feel out of the loop.

And you officially will NEVER not know who Brett Farve is. And that is the way it should be. He's the greatest. Ever.

Anonymous said...

WOW a new post! My social life is a lot slower than yours. It consists of blog stalking you and your friends. Keep up with the blogs or I may have to make a guest appearance on your blog as your mystery guest :) Much love darling, Your favorite blog stalker

My name is Heather. said...

It's about time. I was sick of looking at "more red dirt"!!!

love you, i miss our social life too.

Anonymous said...

Hello from sunny California! - sorry, don't mean to rub it in! :) I also was tired of the 'red dirt' title and kept looking for something new! Hope you can get those pics downloaded soon - always love to see what you have. It was hard to leave you at the airport too knowing you wanted so much to go with us - but maybe another time??! Will fill you in on all happenings when we see you. How was visit with Harmony - at least you get to see HER more than we do!!?? LOve you, Mom